PHP Form Wizard 1.2 is a good simple utility that enables the webmaster who doesn't have any PHP programming knowledge to generate a well built PHP code for processing an online web form of his choice. The program can be used to generate "Contact Us" and "Feedback" forms as it can send an email containing all the information submitted by the visitor besides some other information such as the user IP address and the current time/date to the webmaster's email or any predefined email addresses. In addition, the program is able to generate PHP code for processing multiple file attachments and gives full control to the webmaster to limit which files are allowed to be uploaded. The webmaster can choose to set a confirmation email to be sent to the visitor once he/she completes the web form and after that a customizable success page is displayed with text chosen by the webmaster. A great feature is that the program has internal smart system that will enable the webmaster to ensure validity of the data submitted by the visitor and show an error message when a specific field is not filled correctly. Since the generated code is in PHP so the webmaster's email address is kept hidden and safe from spammers.
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